Interior life is a life which seeks God in everything, a life of prayer and the practice of living in the presence of God. It connotes intimate, friendly conversation with Him, and a determined focus on internal prayer versus external actions, while these latter are transformed into means of prayer.
God wants to be our closest confidant and the only way that can happen is if we try to get to know something about him on a daily basis. This can only be achieved by keeping a close communication tie with him; whether in prayer, just voicing out our thoughts to him, thanksgiving, reading his word or singing him praises.
Someone who keeps and watches over their interior life is poles apart from another who is just living life. There is some peace, calmness, joy and beauty that radiates from deep within the former. Below is the summary of a book Thomas a Kempis wrote, which is very simple and to the point.
Thomas a Kempis: Imitation of Christ
- "The kingdom of God is within you," says the Lord. Turn, then, to God with all your heart. Forsake this wretched world and your soul shall find rest. Learn to despise external things, to devote yourself to those that are within, and you will see the kingdom of God come unto you, that kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, gifts not given to the impious. Christ will come to you offering His consolation, if you prepare a fit dwelling for Him in your heart, whose beauty and glory, wherein He takes delight, are all from within. His visits with the inward man are frequent, His communion sweet and full of consolation, His peace great, and His intimacy wonderful indeed. Therefore, faithful soul, prepare your heart for this Bridegroom that He may come and dwell within you; He Himself says: "If any one love Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and will make Our abode with him."
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